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Antwerpen, Belgium
I'm a New Zealander living in Belgium for 6 months

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dutch Lesson 3

10 march 2010

Just got to work. Really feeling the lack of sleep but got to try and survive the day. Here until 12 then off to Dutch. Ok that just changed. Going to get a book which has information on my current article so will leave a bit earlier for that - it's nearish Antwerpen Centraal Station so I'll just do a little detour before going to Brussels. Then I should do my Dutch homework on the train. Cause predictably that didn't happen last night. My eyes ache. Oh the oppression of life.

Can't wait for this weekend, should be good. The party I'm going to is held by ERASMUS students. If that makes any sense to you. If not then from from what I can gather they're a collection of students from elsewhere in Europe. So naturally they're having a massive party. Which is cool because its an open party so the other volunteers and myself can just turn up.

If I've mentioned this before then I apologise, but take the greatest hits of Radiohead (Many thanks to Fergus for getting me this), and Momuments and Melodies by Incubus and put them on a playlist. Randomise songs. So good. Listen to it almost everyday on my train trips. Then I've got a much shorter playlist for variation, with a few of my favourite Simon and Garfunkel, Oasis, The Sick Puppies, Supertramp, Daughtry and The Living End. Oh and Cat Stevens But just a few songs from each. Kind've a strange mix but its good.

I was listening to the new Wolfmother album as well -Cosmic Egg-. I've been trying but I'm not really convinced eh. I mean its good, but no where near as good as their self titled album. In their defence that was an awesome album and hard to follow up. There are plenty of good songs on Cosmic Egg, overall it just doesn't have the same impact - it seems a bit repetitive. But maybe it'll grow on me. It's the kind of music that has a way of doing that so maybe I'll listen to it again in a bit and fall in love with it. But for now I'm not holding my breathe (I mean its dangerous - I could die or pass out or something. I for one don't really aspire to do either of those).

I just drew a crude map of where I'm meant to get this book later on. Ah, speaking of books, I finally went and bought one yesterday - they have a good English fantasy section in a nearby bookstore. Thank god. It's called the Diamond Throne I think (Yes Matt, I've finally started David Eddings :) ) Maybe if I do my homework fast I can read a bit on the train. For some reason don't get motion sick when I read on the train. Unusual but convenient. So I'm not going to complain - for a change.

The article I was meant to write for AFS NZ, which was due 'sometime this week' suddenly became due yesterday. (tues - even in NZ it would still only be wed) Soooo... guess I'll be doing it for next month then. Which is a little annoying because I'd written half of it and now I'll have to start over as the info all relates to now. Or rather the very recent past. Guess I'll just have to modify it a little.

Today has a weird feel to it. Not sure what it is. I'll attribute it to lack of sleep until further notice.

Alright, since yesterdays post was so long I'll stop now.

Bye for now people.

P.S. Aurora, who are you? lol


  1. Daughtry is awesome.
    And you are a strange person.
    Have fun.

    Jess. (Maxine's friend)

  2. haha, dont worry jess i know who you are. being entirely normal isn't exciting at all though... and your not exactly the most normal person in the world.... :p


  4. GranneeBee is Aunty Bev too..........many faces.

  5. I'm a twit? lol well sorry for lacking telepathy :p
