About Me

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Antwerpen, Belgium
I'm a New Zealander living in Belgium for 6 months

Friday, July 30, 2010

Update on Return to NZ PART 2

Fair people, I have a little announcement to make....

The decision has been made...

On the 7th of August I shall be catching a plane which will be loosely directed towards New Zealand :)
Not exactly sure when I get there at the moment- due to time differences and crossing time zones etc, but I though I'd just let you know all know that imma coming home.

That means a few things... apart from being able to see all of you charming people again, (whether you like it or not, and whether you know about it or not...) I will be able to come to your first gig Andrew :D which I am so keen for.

Jess F, I'm truly sorry I may tear my sister away from you briefly - but when is the actual party, cause I may not be there until afterwards...

Michael and Matt, sorry to disappoint you guys, but it seems I'll be around a little sooner than you'd like :p

To the rest of you family and friends, can't wait to see you all soon :D

Just though I'd let you know,

Cheers for now

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Update on Return to NZ

28 July 2010

This is kinda an in between post so I aplogise in advance

Update on the return to New Zealand
This is an update mainly for people back home in NZ who may or may not be wondering when I'm returning to tend to my sheep. (I mean that in a "I'm going back to NZ" kinda way not in a "I'm Jesus" kinda way, just in case you mistake that for sheer arrogance...). The short story is that it comes down to visas. If I get my British visa within the next week or so then I'll be gone for a further 3 months and come back near the end of October. However, if I don't get my visa very soon I will be on a flight to NZ on the 7th of Aug. Which is obviously pretty soon. Bit strange I know - 2 weeks or 3 months 'til I get back, but that's the current situation. Will keep you all up-to-date on that situation. I really wish I knew which it's going to be either way, cause its really frustrating.

Emotional crap
Regardless of where I end up in the imminent future, I am coming to the end of my stay here in Belgium. This of course comes with its own mix of emotions. Sad that I'm leaving, happy that I'll be seeing family again (in Eng or NZ), happy cause I might be seeing NZ friends pretty soon, sad cause I'm leaving all my Belgian friends and Dirk and Terry... So its difficult to know what to think a lot of the time. I try to negate this by not thinking much. I know a lot of you would have some smart comments to make there so go for it :p

Thanks for actually reading the last two posts by the way, I know they were complete bull, but I was bored. Thats more or less my only excuse. That and perhaps being a little strange but I think its fair to say I can blame/thank my family for that.

Future and stuff...
So after all of this I'm still keen to go into journalism - not sure exactly in what capacity, but I would definately like to do something writing related. So thanks to all the Stamp Media crew, it wouldn't have been the same without you guys - and I mean that in a good way :)

Back to the usual complaints
Public transport...........
.........people in general.
(in that order)

On the bright side... LUNCH! :D

This particular post is pretty disjointed and not very exciting - I consider it to be fairly representative of my mental state right now so deal with it.. Until the next post anyway.