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Antwerpen, Belgium
I'm a New Zealander living in Belgium for 6 months

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The tale of a vengeful fly

o1 april 2010

Ok, here I am.


Last night when I got home after Dutch and some drinks, I decided to have a (relatively) early night and in the same breathe decided to tell my mom that I got a tattoo - nz is 12 hours ahead so it was April Fools day there already. I sent her this txt pleading with her not to freak out about the small dragon tattoo I got on my shoulder... hehe. Apparently it worked. Her reply was "What? Are you serious?" The best part was that she didn't reply until I fell asleep so she had all day to consider my antics. I'm told she fell for it pretty badly (talked to the family this morning, all too briefly). Which lightened my day. God, me getting a tattoo. Such a bad idea. I would just look like some pasty white boy trying to look hardcore and failing miserably. Might be funny for the 5 mins before I realise that its not going to come off in the shower, even after considerable scrubbing.

So its my birthday tomorrow, and my plans as of now involve going out for some drinks with Bert and anyone else who wants to come. Which should take me well into the night/morning. Then it gets a bit tricky. I'm supposed to be meeting some of the other volunteers in Ghent at about middayish, but getting back from Antwerpen takes about an hour, then I've got to wash up etc, then take an hour trip back before setting off for Ghent. So when you consider that I don't really want to get up at the crack of dawn, it could be a tad tight. We shall see. At worst I'll just end up meeting them a little later than anticipated I guess.

I need to try get another book today. Finished the first trilogy by David Eddings so now I'll just move onto his next trilogy. Will try make it last longer this time.

Actually, I do have some fairly exciting news. Vincent invited me to go along with him and Laura to Paris for a few days if I got the leave from work. During that week there's a STAMP Media camp going on in our office so Stefan basically said I should just go to Paris. Which is awesome. Got the leave approved by AFS as well, and in fact our hostel is now booked, which is cool. So I'm pretty excited about that. I think I leave here on the 11th of April so really not long to go.

I need to go eat soon.

*time passes*

I have now eaten.

Most of the people at work smoke so I've decided I need an addiction as well. So during their smoking breaks I'm going to do my best to get addicted to Tic Tacs. In fact I just went for a Tic Tac break. A mouth of minty freshness at affordable prices. If I start selling off my Lord of the Rings model to pay for my Tic Tac habit then I know its time to stop.

This computers slowness is eating my inner soul at an excruciatingly slow pace. My outer soul is a little cold right now. Cold but beautiful...

I've been wondering about something lately. (Just the one thing) I've been wondering how many random photo's I've been in. I mean, not taken by people I know, photo's taken by people with me randomly walking in the background looking staunch and manly. That kind of thing. It saddens me greatly that I will never know the answer to this pertinent question. For once, there's a useless statistic which I wouldn't mind knowing, and there's almost no way to get it. Unless maybe everyone who's ever taken a photo during my lifetime puts them all up on the internet and some super computer can cross reference them all to find the answer to my question. Yeah, thats me, asking all the hardhitting stuff.

This is James Anderson, specialist reporter of...miscellaneous stuff.

Elise is sitting on my desk popping bubble wrap. This amuses me. That dirty woman and her antics.

She just deleted that last line but I had save. Thank god for auto save eh. Alright I'm off. bye

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