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Antwerpen, Belgium
I'm a New Zealander living in Belgium for 6 months

Friday, April 30, 2010

And darkness falls.......

I'm in a dark mood today. The weather reflects this, so maybe I have more influence on this Earth than previously thought. This, however, seems unlikely. I'm trying to find something new to write about at work but I'm drawing a blank which is fairly frustrating. The internet isn't being particularly obliging  either. Which I guess is why I'm here writing dark things in my dark mood.

Over the last few days they started putting up loads of international flags in the Grote Markt. No one seems to know why though. Perhaps there's some internationally focussed conference happening soon. Or something. Maybe they just enjoy the idea of me being confused. Its the kind of thing I would do.

I really want to see this new movie called Kick Ass. It looks like good combination of cool and funny. No doubt I'll give it some sort of unnecessary review on the blog if I ever get around to seeing it. I'll probably use excessive amounts of adjectives. Then I'll feel vaguely smug about the fact that I managed to fit so many flowery, superfluous words into one sentence.

I've been listening to a lot of Pearl Jam recently (Thank you Fergus) in an effort to educate myself for Rock Werchter. Been really enjoying it. I think I've got just about all their albums on my i-pod with the exception of their latest. Which is a bit of a bummer but oh well. I should look on the bright side. I mean I could be dying at a faster rate than I am now. Which would suck.

Between this paragraph and the last I had lunch. Which was good. Most of the places seem to be closed today so we had to walk ages away to find an open grocery. Although ultimately it was worth it because that grocery store did us the courtesy of not making their sandwiches crap. (crap being an adjective in this case, not a verb, if they could actually make their sandwiches crap I think I'd be very impressed, if somewhat put off my appetite) Our usual grocery recently decided that their sandwiches were being enjoyed far too much and so they now produce the equivalent of 2 bits of bun with a moderate amount of moisture between them. In 3 varieties.

Actually, if anyone has any ideas about what I could write about, please comment about them in my blog. I would be eternally grateful. Especially if its actually good :)  Comic relief subjects are also approved of. By me anyway.  

Right, I'm going to be in a dark mood somewhere else now.

1 comment:

  1. Just write about the basic misuse of Australian's in the media and how unfairly we're treated. Or write about how awesome the Dutch are. You know, awesomly true stuff.

    I must say though, if you're struggling to find something to write about, just write about how piss-poor biology is as a subject, as shown by our college teachers. I mean, if we end up like that by taking biology, why is the subject in the college? Stupid.

    Anyways, I got nothing better to say, so I should probably go now. I'm using T's internet and computer. And he doesn't seem too happy about it. Oh, here's the news. I have two children now. Enjoy.

    Your Favourite Australian
